Monday, February 8, 2010

Ultra Hd Image Stabilization For The Flip Ultra HD. Is That Something The Can Be Added Later?

Image stabilization for the Flip Ultra HD. Is that something the can be added later? - ultra hd

I look forward to the HD-Flip Ultra Review and everyone says it is a good camera, but no image stabilization. Is this something that can be added later with the latest firmware? Can the firmware of the device is to stabilize or only with a hardware upgrade?

Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. The stabilization method is preferable not to use the handheld camera. Use a table, a tripod, monopod, rock, desk ... whatever ... not only on the hand.

    It may be possible, the firmware update for the digital stabilization - but so far not provided, I feel your breath waiting.

    And visually - on the material basis - the stabilization is much better than digital ... But probably not enough space in which (again, a system of optical stabilization) manage to make sense - and, if it existed, a variety of additional dollars in production costs - and complaints about the video camera is too expensive ride.

    Another option is to use the stabilization in iMovie '09 - works very well. "
